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Step 1: Quick puff pastry 


  • 5 g salt

  • 2 g white vinegar

  • 125 g water

  • 250 g T65 flour

  • 200 g tourage butter


  1. Dissolve the salt and white vinegar in the water, add the flour and the cold dry butter, and knead with a hook.

  2. Roll out into rectangular shape.

  3. Refrigerate for 10 minutes.

  4. Give 1 single turn. Refrigerate for 10 minutes.

  5. Repeat 5 times.

  6. Set aside in the fridge.

Step 2: Shaping and baking


  • 50 icing sugar


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.

  2. Roll out the puff pastry to a thickness of 2.5 mm into a rectangle measuring approximately 40
    x 50 cm.

  3. Prick all over and sprinkle with icing sugar.

  4. Bake the puff pastry, covered with a baking sheet, for around 35 minutes at 180°C.

  5. When the puff pastry is still hot, cut into 3 strips measuring 12 x 40 cm.

Step 3: Mousseline cream 


  • 250 g milk 

  • 3 g liquid vanilla

  • 3 of Yumgo Yolk POWDER + 23 g of water (to hydrate the powder) or 26 g of Yumgo Yolk Liquid

  • 3 g rapeseed oil (to hydrate the powder)

  • 50 g sugar

  • 20 g cornstarch

  • 140 g of butter  


  1. Heat the milk and the liquid vanilla.

  2. For powder product, rehydrate YUMGO Yolk powder by mixing with water and oil.

  3. Mix YUMGO Yolk ( rehydrated powder or liquid) with sugar, then add cornstarch and mix.

  4. Add some of the hot milk to the previous mixture. Return to the pan with the rest of the milk and boil for 1 min.

  5. Then rapidly cool down.

  6. Once cooled down, whisk the cream.

  7. In a separate bowl, cream the butter. Gradually add the cream to the butter.

Step 4: Assembly and finishing 


  • 300g white fondant

  • 50g of chocolate


  1. Using a 10 mm.Tip, pipe the smoothed mousseline cream.

  2. Add a second strip of puff pastry and repeat the operation.

  3. Finally, add the last puff pastry strip.

  4. Set in the fridge.

  5. Heat the white fondant to 32°C, then loosen with a little water if necessary.

  6. Glaze the millefeuille, then marble it with a cone of melted dark chocolate and the tip of a knife.

  7. Cut into 10 millefeuilles measuring 4 x 12 cm.


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