for 8 people
300 g dark chocolate 68%
180 g of YUMGO White
60 g brown sugar
180 g vegetable milk
80 g coconut oil
Heat the vegetable milk. Just before it boils, mix the milk with the chocolate to melt it.
Add the coconut oil to the milk mixture then mix.
Cool the mixture until it is just warm.
Beat YUMGO Blanc until stiff, using the maximum speed of the mixer.
Incorporate the sugar gradually during the expansion of YUMGO then pour over the melted chocolate.
Mix gently with a spatula.
Pour into the containers.
Keep cool for 2 to 3 hours.

69 g mik or water
86 g water
11 g honey or inverted sugar
37 g sugar
7 g salt
13 g fresh Yeast
17 g butter or margarine
172 g T45 flour
172 g T65 flour
2,72 g Yumgo Whole Powder
14,11 water (to hydrate the powder)
191 g extra Dry Butter / Margarine
Knead 8 min at low speed and 5 min at medium high speed until full gluten development.
Rising : 40 min, punch down and store in the fridge.
Folding : one double fold, one single fold.
Shape and freeze.
Proofing : 1h at 18°C, 2h15 at 26°C.
Egg Wash and bake 16-18 min at 165°C